
fuzzy characteristics中文是什么意思

  • 模糊特征



  • 例句与用法
  • But in fact their quantity values of the parameter indexes are often difficultly confirmed and they have fuzzy characteristics by theirself
  • Since 1980s , the application research of some fuzzy mathematic methods on the earthquake prediction have been developed in accordance to the fuzzy characteristic of the information during preparing earthquake
  • According to the fuzzy characteristic of nonfinancial performance appraisal index , i use fuzzy general appraisal method to appraise the nonfinancial index under the weight - determined by ahp . i get impersonal conclution of the appraisal for nonfinancial index
  • ( 3 ) taking into account the fuzzy characteristics existed in selecting of the representative year , the fuzzy clustering method is adopted to the cluster analysis of year runoff data , and the cluster center vectors standing for the type of year , that is , abundant , moderate and deficient , are obtained
    ( 3 )考虑到典型年判定时存在的模糊性,将模糊聚类法用于年径流分析,由此求得分别代表丰、平、枯各种年型的聚类中心向量。
  • The main achievements of this thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) studies the existed literatures home and abroad widely on risk assessment , the intension and extension about the five categories of uncertainty ( randomicity , fuzzy characteristic , gray characteristic , unascertained characteristic , universal gray characteristic )
    取得的主要成果有: ( 1 )较系统地研究了国内外有关风险评估的理论、方法、技术成果和五种不确定性(随机性、模糊性、灰性、未确知性、泛灰性)的内涵、外延。
  • Based on fuzzy characteristics in durability failure criterion of concrete structures durable life was estimated , in which process survival analysis method was considered with fuzzy theory and the contribution of statement of truncation data was taken into account
  • Based on the uncertainty and fuzzy characteristic of occurring of piping , fuzzy neural network of piping is proposed further . the same collected data is used to train and predict the model and gets good results , which proves fuzzy artificial network is also an effective method to predict and judge the occurring of piping
  • 推荐英语阅读
fuzzy characteristics的中文翻译,fuzzy characteristics是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译fuzzy characteristics,fuzzy characteristics的中文意思,fuzzy characteristics的中文fuzzy characteristics in Chinesefuzzy characteristics的中文fuzzy characteristics怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
